Sunday, December 6, 2015

Imperial Arcadia #3: The Usurper's Coronation

The Usurper's Coronation 
"Therefore I am sure that this, my Coronation, is not the symbol of a power and a splendor that are gone but a declaration of our hopes for the future, and for the years I may, by God's Grace and Mercy, be given to reign and serve you as your Queen." Queen Elizabeth II, ruler of England 

21 January 1508

The bells rang out over the lands of Essex. Today was the coronation of the new Arcadian emperor. However, tension and anger rode the air alongside the cathedral bell's song. Coronations were usually joyous occasions. A moment of celebration for the nation after either the death or abdication of the previous monarch. It symbolizes the hope the nation had for the future. Not this one, however. Not for Benedict Jennings.

Benedict Jennings. A name that depended on who you asked meant something different. To the nobles of Arcadia he was the whorespawn playing emperor; a mongrel without title or pedigree. To the clergy he was a loyal and willing pawn in a larger game. To the common folk he was a legend; the man that defeated vile regent council that killed their rightful emperor and propped up a puppet. To House Buchanan he was the man that ended the reign of rulers that stretched back to Avalon and the Knights of the Round Table. However, how they feel about him today the must endure the insult of his coronation.

A long red rug and line of guards in ceremonial armor divide the populace on each side. The people cheered as Benedict Jennings marched up to the steps of Kidusm Cathedral. He took a knee as standing there waiting for him were the archbishops of Canterbury, York, and Westminster.

Benedict looked up but didn't rise. "I have come with the backing of the people as seek the crown of emperor," he said just he rehearsed many months ago.

The Archbishop of Canterbury scoffed, "if you come in earnest remove your cape." Benedict removed his cape as he was asked. He laid the cape on the first step.

"I have done as you asked."

The Archbishop of York laughed, "if you truly come in earnest remove your sword." Benedict removed the sword as he was asked. He laid the sheathed sword on top the cape.

The Archbishop of Westminster shook his head in disapprovement, "I don't feel you come in earnest. Come brothers let us await the people's chosen ruler." As they turned to go back inside the people called in unison "Wait."

The archbishops stopped and turned back toward Benedict. The Archbishop of Canterbury asked, "Children of the most high is this man worth?"

"Yes," the crowd screamed. The Archbishop of Canterbury descended the steps and stopped two steps in front of Benedict. 

The Archbishop of York asked, "Children of the most high is this man your chosen ruler?"

"Yes." Was the reply. The Archbishop of York descended the stairs and stood beside his peer. 

The final Archbishop stared at Benedict. "What would you do for the people?" 

"I would die for them."

"Then step on your sword and cape. Show them your devotion," commanded the Archbishop of Westminster. Benedict rose to his feet and did as the final archbishop asked. 

"He truly does come with the people's backing," the Archbishop of York proclaimed to the Archbishop of Westminster.

"He is devoted to his people," the Archbishop of Canterbury proclaimed to the Archbishop of Westminster.

"Then let him enter and seek the crown of Arcadia," was the Archbishop of Westminster's reply. Benedict walked between the first two. The procession enter the Cathedral. Inside the nobles of the land stood and watched him up to the altar with the archbishop. On top of the altar was three articles of the imperial regalia. The Sword of Aurthority, State, and Mercy rested on the altar. The Archbishops knelt before the altar. The nobles of the land bowed their heads. Benedict took a knee as well. 

"Heavenly Father. Creator of the all things and all men. We, your chosen shepards, bring before you today a man seeking to lead your flock in mortal matters. We ask you blessed him with boundless wisdom to carry out your will. We ask you blessed him with unshakeable faith in your divine plan. We ask you blessed him with fruitful longevity so he may He has earned the respect of your people. May he earn the respect of his peers," the archbishops stated in unison. The Cathedral collectively stated, " Amen."

Benedict shifted position from on one knee to on both them. He watched as the archbishop each took up a sword. The Archbishop of York picked up the Sword of Mercy. Next, the Archbishop of Westminster picked up the Sword of Authority. Finally, the Archbishop of Canterbury picked up the Sword of State.

The Archbishop of York stood in front of Benedict. "In my hands is the Sword of Mercy. It is the symbol of the contract with god that he who wishes to be emperor must sign. Answer truthfully. Will you defend the holy faith?" he asked the emperor to be.

"I will."

"Will you defend the holy church?"

"I will." Archbishop of York gently touched the Sword of Mercy to both of Benedict's shoulders. As he stepped back the Archbishop of Canterbury stepped in front of Benedict. 

"In my hands is the Sword of State. It is the symbol of the contract to the land and her people that he who wishes to be emperor must sign. Answer truthfully. Will you show submission to the pope?"

"I will."

"Will you maintain justice?"

"I will." Archbishop of Canterbury gently touched the Sword of State to both of Benedict's shoulders. As he stepped back the Archbishop of Westminster to his place.

"In my hands is the Sword of Authority. It is the proof that he who receives it touch is worthy of being emperor. But unlike the other two it is mine alone to give. It symbolizes the faith of all mortals under god and bound to this nation places in he would be their emperor. Answer truthfully. Will you maintain laws of the Arcadia Empire?"

"I will."

"Will you defend the Arcadian Empire from all threats?"

"I will." Like the two before him, the Archbishop of Westminster touched both Benedict's shoulders with the sword. "Now swear upon the altar. Swear to uphold everything we have asked you. Swear that should you ever falter in one of them for any reason God strike you down," the Archbishop of Westminster commanded.

Benedict placed his hand on the alter. "I swear I will uphold the virtues of justice. I swear to defend Arcadia and her people with my life's blood. I swear I will be a sword for faithful and a shield for church. I swear I will follow where the pope leads. I swear this oath on this altar in front of my peers, my betters, and my god. If I am ever brake this oath...let God's vengeance be upon me." The swords were taken away by lesser clergy and an ampulla was brought out.

The Archbishop of York turned to audience. "Arcadians will accept this man as your emperor?" Three times the gathered nobles screamed out "Let it be done."

The Archbishop of Westminster poured a bit of oil on Benedict's forehead. He used a spoon to trace a crucifix.

"I anoint you with the oil of sanctification in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." He poured some of the oil into the palms of Benedict. "Let these hands be anointed, as kings and prophets were anointed and as Samuel anointed David to be king may you be blessed and established emperor in this empire over this people, whom the Lord, your God, has given you to rule and govern, which he vouchsafes to grant, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns." The ampulla and spoon was taken away by the bishops. The other regalia were brought out and the throne of emperor was carried by the guards.

The Archbishops help Benedict to his feet. The Archbishop of York placed on Benedict's ring finger a ring and saying, "We present to you this ring as the symbol of your marriage to the land and her people."

The Archbishop of Canterbury placed in Benedict's right hand the Globus Crucigar. "We present to you this Globus Crucigar as a symbol the faith and proof you are the earthly ruler of the Arcadia as ordain by God."

The Archbishop of Westminster placed in Benedict's left hand the scepter. "We present to you this scepter as symbol of your authority as our emperor." The imperial robes were placed on his shoulders and Benedict sat on the throne. The Archbishop of Westminster walked behind the throne with the Archbishop of Canterbury holding the imperial crown on a silken pillow. "With this crown I proclaim this man is to the lawfully ordained emperor of Arcadia and her citizens. I proclaim to you all that this man is Emperor Benedict," the Archbishop of Westminster declared.

The assembled nobles cheer and sing a chorus of "All Hail Your Noble Emperor." Archbishops each take turns kissing the emperor ring hand and declaring, "My emperor." The other Archbishops take their place behind the newly crowned emperor while the Archbishop of Westminster stands beside him.

"Let all the nobles of the land come and swear fealty to their new emperor."

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