Saturday, December 5, 2015

Imperial Arcadia #1: Arcadia of My Youth

Arcadia of My Youth​

“At the end of their lives, all men look back and think that their youth was Arcadia.” Johnathan Harlock, Captain of Imperial Flagship "The Arcadia"​
1 March 1490

The streets of the capital of Kent was abuzz with activity. In two days the emperor's sixty-first birthday and the lavish festival was to held in his honor. The average citizens was working hard to prepare. The servants of the nobles worked hard preparing for either the Grand Celebration at the Palace of Perlsea or their own private celebrations especially for those not important enough to receive invitations.

The Perlsea Palace not without activity. Servants decorated and prepared simple menus for the steward to approve of. Game was brought in and prepared, while wine was brought in by the barrel load.

The crown prince watched quietly as Elihu Anderson ground up a few herbs with his mortar and pestle. He turned away to look inside his book. He looked around the room and sighed.

"Young master Leland, would you please hand me those pink petals on the shelf there?" He asked as grinding up more. Leland turned and walked over to the shelf. After a second or two he returned with the petals.


"Yes my Lord. Thank you." He gentle took them from his hand and place them inside to be ground up as well.

"What are you making?" Leland asked as Elihu poured the powder into a small boiling pot and fanned the flames lightly.

"Your father has be having headaches lately. While I believe it is only the matter of his growing trepidation of France's desire for Brittney, he asked me to prepare him a draught to help him."

"Can I have some?" the young prince asked. Elihu smiled pouring the mixture into a bottle and sealed it.

"It should be harmless enough. Though I must warn you, young master, the taste is quite bitter." He said finding a cup and pouring a bit in it. He handed him the cup.

Leland blew on the liquid first then took a drink. He immediately put the cup down and slowly shallowed. Elihu chuckled as he walked over to the boy. "How was it, young master?"

"Bitter," he declared as Elihu lead him out of the room. Elihu laughed as the prince swiped at his tongue.

The pair walked through the palace, Elihu, a man of science and learning, explained many thing to the young prince. To be honest, he hoped that the prince would be like his father, a scholar and not a religious zealot for the papacy. Though he knew he would never live to see the boy's ascension to the throne.

"Oh heavens where is he?" A voice screamed out from behind a column. Elihu looked down at the prince who frozen and started speeding up.

"Has anyone seen master Elihu? The prince is usually with him." Elihu tried to hold it in. He really did. But the sheepish look on the young prince's face was too much for him. He began to snicker by after a few he broke out into laughter. "Master Elihu is that you?"

An attendant ran up to them, "Master Elihu have you seen the little prince?"

Elihu nodded and looked around saying, "He and I were about...where did he go?" Elihu suddenly realized that he was missing his young companion.

"I must find him before he causes trouble," the attendant sighed as she raced off in a random direction. Elihu continued snickering as he made his way through the palace. He walked by the throne room but stopped when he saw the guards in attendance.

"Master Anderson," One of the guards proclaimed.

"Ah yes hello. I trust his majesty is in the throne room," he said scratching at his long white beard. The guard nodded. Elihu walked in.

Elias I sat on the throne with listening to several ministers and nobles alike. He looked haggard they continued to drone on in a cacophony of voices. He loudly proclaimed, "Silience." His voice echoed slightly but the ministers and nobles quieted down. "Now one at a time. Emissary from Brittney explain why the good Duke isn't bring this matter to me himself."

The emissary knelt before his lord's liege. "Your majesty your humble servant the good Duke Henri de Dreux send his regrets that he will not be able to attend your birthday celebration. However border tension with the French forces require his attention."

"Enough ceremony. Please get to the heart of the matter."

"Yes, your majesty. Duke de Dreux would like you to send a portion of the imperial navy to safeguard the land from assault."

Elias turned to one the ministers at his side, "Reuchlin Bowie tell me what is the status of the navy."

Reuchlin nodded, "My lord the 3rd Fleet consisting of three carracks and six galleys could be spared. I will select a suitable admiral to command them."

"Very well. When you return to the Duke you will return with nine of the empire's finest sailing beside you," Elias declared. The emissary rose happily, "Thank you your majesty. I wished I could replay you aid."

"Continued loyalty to Arcadia. That is what I ask of you."

"My emperor need not ask for something he already possesses." The emissary returned to the assembled nobles.

"My lord is far too kind. We, your vassals, do not deserve it." a noble spoke out.

"I know that voice. Come now cousin leave not in suspense." A man emerged from the assembled noblity. "If it isn't the good Duke Henry Lancaster." Elias arose from his throne to greet his distant cousin properly. Duke Henry emerged from the crowd. The two embraced as family does.

"I am sorry for an deception but you know I can't do anything simple," Henry said laughing.

"I am pleased you made it. I was hoping you would to be honest." Elias looked around before whispering into Henry, "A party isn't a party unless my partner-in-crime is here." Henry started laughing.

"Come now your majesty. You are far too old to be getting into any youthful shenanigans," he said aloud. Some of the older ministers and nobles cringed knowing that the royal pranksters were going to be up to no good. Despite it being almost decades since they did anything the memories of dyed wigs and foul odors coming from priest vestments returned. It was Josephine's order, the late empress and Elias' mother, that Henry not be permitted to attend all but the most formal of ceremonies at Perlsea Palace. Even after he had taken up the title of Duke from his father, she demanded that the two boys be seperated by at least two halberds length at all times. And her personal guards go with Duke Henry at all times to ensure he obeyed her command. Though there were times when they pair found a way to meet up and cause trouble. Quite a few guards were reprimanded by the empress. However, when Elias became Emperor and sending many invitations to him, Henry always feared some secret order from the late empress existed. That and the french threat along his borders. But your sixty-first birthday was important to both House Buchanan and House Lancaster. Elias, under the pretext of a formal visit, had made it for his sixty-first birthday celebration seven years ago. Henry wouldn't miss it for the world. A few began thinking of plausible excuses to why they couldn't leave their manors and homes until the celebration. Everyone else braced themselves for a long week.

"Meet me at in the Library. We can discuss how to make your birthday more festive." Henry returned to the crowd of nobles and Elias to his throne. He glared sinisterly at one of the nobles that had earned the emperor's ire lately and there was a collective sigh from everyone else. The noble in question received a few 'better you then me' looks from people and a few 'good luck you will need it' looks from others. Even Duke Henry had to pat the unluck person on the back and gave him a look that screamed 'my condolence but I not going easy on you.' 

The noble in question resended himself to a horrible fate which would very likely consist of public embarassment. He would have to pray to God for deliverance. That or someone else to present themselves much better target.

Elihu stayed in the back. He had been serving the imperial family for fifteen years now. Though he was only thirty-seven at the time. He remembered the day of Elias coronation. It was just three weeks after his forty-five birthday. The empress seemed like the picture of health. Despite a few complains of indigestion it was rather sudden. She had collapsed while performing her morning prayers and became bedridden in the same afternoon. Several bishops began planning for a funeral and a coronation in the same afternoon. Elias never left his mother's side. He was there with her up to the end. Two days later he was crowned Emperor. While few believe anything sinister happened even few would believe Elias had a hand in her death. Elias valued loyalty above all else. Loyalty to the land and her people was the first thoughts of Elias'. Loyalty to family and friends were second. Then loyalty to one's enemies. Promises were kept despite difficult and Elias was smart enough to make promises he could not keep. If he said he would send aid. You would receive it. If he promise to darken the earth with your blood. He best believe he would do it. Despite all the tragedy of surrounding his mother death, the real tragedy was the empress never met Prince Leland born only four short years later.

A messenger entered the throne eluding a great sense of urgency. The assembly turned toward him, he hurried toward the throne. Elias joined the other ministers as the messenger approached. "My lord...I bring...I bring news from the colon...colony."

"Someone fetch this man a drink of water," Elias barked looking around him. A cup was prepared and given to the man. He greedily drank it down. Regaining his composure and catching his breath some the messenger continued, "Thank you my liege. I bring urgent news from the colony of Alsus."

"Out with it man," Duke Henry said smirking. Elias shot him a serious glance and he nodded and desisted.

"Continue," the emperor said gesturing with his hand.

"The colonial governor Timothy Kearney has launched an attack force against the savages of Pillhilder. The battle was going in his favor. However, he savages gained aid from another tribe. He is requesting aid."

Lionel Payne, a shrewd ex-career soldier now turn advisor, stepped forward. "Your majesty may I be bold to make a suggestion."

"Your council on martial matters has always been acceptable. Please speak."

"We recently devised a new variation of the cannon. While we have tested the weapon in the countryside against motionless wooden soldiers and barns, I am eager to test them on moving targets and stone walls. If my lord permission I want to accompany them and see them firsthand."

Elias looked that Lionel before speaking, "While I would rather have you here in case of French assault, our ventures abroad are equally important. I grant you leave to go."

"At once. Sire I will take the fast ship in the fleet and make haste." He bowed before the emperor then turned to the messenger. "You there come tell me everything about the savages, their tactics, and their allies. I want a formalized plan by the time I arrive,"

Lionel listened to the messenger explain all the details he required as he departed.

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