Thursday, September 15, 2016

Only Egyptians May Rule Egypt: For The Kingdom

For The Kingdom

12 May 803

The city was alive with the sound of laughter and clapping. Suhail decided to throw a lavished festival for his son Haroun's birthday. While all his children got lavished parties only Alia and Haroun's got whole festivals. Every vassal was invited to take part in the celebration.

Suhail sat with his youngest children and watched as the fire eater did his act. The children looked amazed. When Sholah walked up followed by a man Suhail did not recognize. She commanded the man wait until they spoke. She observed the show for a bit and whispered into Sholah, "I have a bit interesting news."

Suhail gave her a sideways glance before allowing Tintifawin to take care them. He stood up. He and Sholah walked over to the man. He bowed low, "My liege. Thank you for your invitation to honor your son's birth." Everyone was too in grossed by the fire eater to notice or even care that Suhail was not there. They walked to an adjacent room. Away from the prying eyes and listening ears of the court.

"You are most welcome. Who are you?"

"Forgive I am Is'mail the Wali of the Grand City of Akordat," he said looking at Suhail.

"I thank you for coming such a long way. I normally would not give an audience in such informal manner. But since you come such a long way already. What do you wish to discuss?"

"I bring troubling news. I wish not to cause a rift between you and Allah."

"Is'mail if you can do something like that my faith must be a terrible thing indeed."

"Forgive me but it not you and Allah. But you and your court iman Hisham."

"Why you cause a rift between him and I?" Suhail moved to focus on the man better.

"Hisham as been spreading vicious rumors to slander your character." Suhail crossed his arms in front of him and Sholah nodded for him to continue.

"Hisham came to me one day. He told me of how he has spoken with Allah. And that Allah said Suhail and his progeny are all demons in the skin of man. That they will bring strife to the land."

Suhail sighed, "I do not doubt your tale. But I will not do anything without proof."

Sholah spoke up before him, "I have several other sheikhs saying the exact same thing." Suhail did not look pleased. Hisham had been is court imam for a long time. There was no one he trusted more with the spiritual health of his family. But now he was going to have to do something.

"Gather the court together immediately," Suhail said as he walked over to the guards. A simple nod was the only response before he walked off. It didn't take long for the court. They were already inside the Great Hall. Hisham was conveniently the last to enter.

Suhail sat at his throne his eyes closed. Despite the festival it was quiet here. The great doors were closed. Suhail slowly opened his eyes, "Hisham. I have a question."

Hisham took his usual place at court, "Ask my liege and I will answer to the best of my abilities." Sholah moved beside some guards. Hisham took note of her new position but thought nothing of it.

"What does the holy words in the Quran say on the matter of slander?" Suhail asked .

"For what reasons do you ask my liege?"

"It has come my attention that someone has committed the crime of slander. I simply wish to be line with the words of Allah as spoke through Muhhamad," Suhail said with a pleasant smile.

"Commendable. You are a shiny example to all," Hisham said.

"You flatter me. Please enlighten us."

Hisham walked out in from of the court. He spoke loud and clear for all to hear him. "The words of Allah says to accuse someone of slander, you need four witnesses."

Suhail turned toward Sholah, "Can the accuser produce four witnesses?"

Sholah yelled back to him, "I can produce eight."

Hisham nodded, "Allah be praise. The Quran that unto every man among them will be paid that which he had earned in sin, and as for he among them with the greater share therein, his will be a great torment."

"So let me get this straight. In order for the accuser to make an accusation he needs four witnesses. And his punishment is a great torment," Suhail said as he leaned forward.

"Yes, my liege." Suhail smiled and nodded to Sholah. She pointed to Hisham, "Arrest him." Surprise and panic paralyzed Hisham. The guards had no problems subduing him.

"My liege was is the meaning of this? Have I not served you faithfully?"

"Faithfully? You enjoy the bounty of my lands and have the nerve to try to turn the people against me. I have eight witnesses to your crime of slander against myself and my line. In your own words you are to suffer a great torment. Taking him to the oubliette until I am ready to deal with him."

Hisham started spitting curse and abuses until he was out of the great hall. "Please forgive the interruption. Let's continue celebrating."

Days pass without incident, the festival died down. He sat on his throne reading the latest reports. When a guard walked in with Abdul-Salaam, the Emir of Tabghach. Suhail looked up to see the much older much wiser man heading in his direction.

"My friend I was unaware you were coming to visit me," Suhail said standing up to greet him.

"I needed to meet you" he said looking around, "I have grave matters to discuss."

"Surely this matter could have been conveyed over our usual correspondence. At the very least I could prepare a proper welcome."

"These matter are of the upmost importance and I couldn't just put in a letter to being intercepted."

Suhail motioned for the door, "Come let us walk the gardens and talk." Suhail walked with Abdul-Salaam through the corridors.

"What grave matters must we discuss?"

"What if I said it is time for you to make your move," Abdul-Salaam stated, "what would your answer be?"

"I would ask you what do you mean?" The pair continued walk through the corridors until they reached the gardens.

"Do not play coy with me."

"I am but a humble servant," Suhail began but did not finish.

"Your alliance with Isa Nobatia has upset the balance of power. In your heart sleeps a fire. That could burn hot in the rain." Abdul-Salaam interrupted, "You are the most powerful of the emirs. Several sheikhs swear fealty to you. Your power grow without end. No one would dare challenge you. The time is now to seize the sultanate for yourself."

Suhail thought for a moment. It was true all that Abdul-Salaam had said. He power was expanding. To be honest he was planning to conquer Nobatia soon. But as sultan Isa will either fall in line or lose his head. "How do you suggest I proceed?"

"Your army alone outnumbered the armies of the Sultan. As the saying goes it far easier to predict what a bird might do then a mad man. Even just three small territories to his name. He may attempt to fight it out with you."

"Then I will fight it out with him. It would be a war of attrition. Without staunch allies he would not last long."

"No. Deposing him must not interfere with the peasantry. A safer smoother transition is best for all."

"How I would achieve a smooth war?"

"By letting the sultan see you have an overwhelming advantage and it would best for him not to fight you."

"My question is how? My forces number two thousand strong. Hardly overwhelming. Isa will merely watch but not fight against the sultan."

"With two other emirs you could an overwhelming force at your back. And do not worry about Isa. He will get his soon."

"Where would I find two such conspirators?"

"I am willing. Dawud was my sultan. Not the insane whorespawn of a lowborn harlot."

"And the other?"

"What if I tell about a particular Prince that a certain grievance against our sultan?" Suhail raised an eyebrow at that.


"Prince Abdul-Wahab the Whisperer." Suhail laughed and walked away. He returned seconds later.

"Oh that was an amusing joke. But who is the really second?"

"I just told you."

"Are you mad? He is a deceitful craven cur. A known adulterer. But I could forgive all that I could if he was a murderer as well."

"Abdul-Wahab is willing to back you. He hates his brother. And would like to see nothing more than to see him overthrown."

"What will this help cost me?"

"My help is free. If I have to be lorded over I want someone I respect."

"Thank you. And the murderer's price?"

"Prince Abdul-Wahab wants a pardon. He wants to be forgiven for his hand being involved in that murder. He wants to invited back to court."

"He wants to overturn his exile?"

"Yes. Combined we have an army four thousand strong."

"Very well. I will agree to this. We will present the Sultan with our ultimatum. On the third day on new month at the We will bring our armies to his very doorstep and if Allah will it I will be sultan."

The appointed day came. Three great armies descended on Cairo blocking all the gates. Suhail followed by Sholah and Abdul-Wahab entered the city. Then they enter the palace. Sultan Yahya was on his throne when they entered.

"Thank Allah you are here. There are several armies. We need to get word to our allies."

Suhail said nothing.

"Suhail? Why are you not doing anything? Do you not see the danger we are in?"

Suhail took a step forward. "Sultan Yahya. Long has your line ruled Egypt but no longer. Right now you have three armies awaiting to descend upon you. The capital will be destroyed. You and all of your soldiers will be killed. However there is a way to save yourself."

"How do I avoid this fate?"

"Given up your title of Sultan of Egypt to me and I will let you maintain your title of Emir of Cairo."

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